i invite Distraction
welcoming it with open arms!
come all ye Flickering Adds
on screens and highways and pages
you skim over my eyeballs
scheming to break my composure
come all ye Dogs' Barking
in neighbourhoods far and wide
you tear my silence
plotting to crack my self-possession
come all ye Drip Drip Dripping of Leaking Taps
you split my patience
devising to cut through my serenity
i invite Distraction
welcoming it with open arms!
i let it through my doors
open for it to shake my equilibrium
i invite all the Wifi and Smartphones
the Radios and Televisions
the Earphones strangling ears
Youtube Friend Requests
Photos Links Hashtags Memes masterminding
to fracture my poise and peace of mind
these attention-grabbers might exasperate madden and agitate others
but not me
bleep! bleep!
hey, there is a New Mail in my Inbox
let me quickly go have a look and see if it will rupture
my steady coolness
no it doesn't
ping! ping! ooooh another Whatsapp coming in
my tranquil placidity remains clear as bells
let me listen to all the animated descriptions of
other People's Parties Holidays and Adventures
i am not thrown off balance
i absorb all their experiences without
a ruffle of my feathers
oh, and there's the tune of the Washing Machine
concocting to nag, bother and burden me
i go hang the clothes in peaceful quietude without
a single flicker of distress on my eyelids
oh my, look at all the Dirty Dishes
strategising to pester and plague my serenity
and the great bedeviller and provoker Mister Fridge
always maneuvering itself to have me fling open its doors
i will not let my calm stability
be harassed and ambushed in any way
an invasion of Distractions designed to accost me daily
scheming to push my buttons and rattle my cage
yet my stoic constancy remains undisturbed
i invite Distraction
welcoming it with open arms
the isle with Newspapers screaming Invasive Headlines at me
and the Chips and Chocolates perfectly placed to trip my mindfulness
it is not working
i am basking in a perfect state of ataraxia
as i go down the street the Cars and Trucks connive and conspire
deluge and irk me
my coolheaded harmony pumps bubbles in my feet
i rise above the frenetic city
and its torrents of Smells and Noise
i fly further and further away from
any entrapment and bombardment of my equanimity
aha, and so this poem is contrived to needle you in your side
definitely to distract you and egg on
your envy and annoyance at my great forbearance
who am i kidding?
let me come out with it
it is all make-believe and pretense
simply to survive i have to feign imperturbability
i am human just like you
bewildered, flustered, fragmented,
deranged, sidetracked, unhinged,
upset, mystified, disoriented,
rattled, unsettled and simply dazed by
the onslaught of Damnable Distractions