I'm on the N1, a few more minutes and I'm at my destination: Touwsrivier.
Last night I slept over once again at strangers in Montagu, but soon
they were friends. Sandra and Deetlef. Deetlef told me I am not going
to make it to Touwsriver today. With great drama he told me how steep
the 2 mountain passes are - gesturing with a flat vertical hand
infront of his nose - and that I won't do it in a day.
Mmm...I think I'll phone him just now to tell him I have conquered the trip!
The day was of course the highlight of my journey - especially because
I have ridden through isolated stretches of country. Karoo and Koo
landscapes at its best! And to top it - snow on the mountains!!
Don't tell me I am not going to make it!
Over kilometres I have gathered strength surpassing my expectations!
Don't tell me I am not going to make it
I have gathered the rock solidness of the road in the marrow of my bones
I have the harmonies (and disharmonies) of the wind in my calves
I have the eternal warmth of the sun in my thighs
I have sweet air right in the pit of my lungs
I have the pulsing hills in my ass
I have the irrepressible power and beauty of the journey in every fold
of my spirit
Do not tell me I am not going to make it.
I have arrived and it feels so gorgeously good!
Thanks to ALL that have given me love, food, a bed, good company,
inspiring music, laughter and encouragement! (I think Deetlef's
discouraging words were in itself encouragin! Thanks to him as well!).
You all have been a big part in this cycle.
Xxx signing off
Last night I slept over once again at strangers in Montagu, but soon
they were friends. Sandra and Deetlef. Deetlef told me I am not going
to make it to Touwsriver today. With great drama he told me how steep
the 2 mountain passes are - gesturing with a flat vertical hand
infront of his nose - and that I won't do it in a day.
Mmm...I think I'll phone him just now to tell him I have conquered the trip!
The day was of course the highlight of my journey - especially because
I have ridden through isolated stretches of country. Karoo and Koo
landscapes at its best! And to top it - snow on the mountains!!
Don't tell me I am not going to make it!
Over kilometres I have gathered strength surpassing my expectations!
Don't tell me I am not going to make it
I have gathered the rock solidness of the road in the marrow of my bones
I have the harmonies (and disharmonies) of the wind in my calves
I have the eternal warmth of the sun in my thighs
I have sweet air right in the pit of my lungs
I have the pulsing hills in my ass
I have the irrepressible power and beauty of the journey in every fold
of my spirit
Do not tell me I am not going to make it.
I have arrived and it feels so gorgeously good!
Thanks to ALL that have given me love, food, a bed, good company,
inspiring music, laughter and encouragement! (I think Deetlef's
discouraging words were in itself encouragin! Thanks to him as well!).
You all have been a big part in this cycle.
Xxx signing off