In March this year I was part of a colloborative exhibition/show in Parktown, Jhb. The fellow artist was sculptor Coenie Strydom. He assembled 18 of his ceramic and cement sculptures for which I wrote 18 complementing poems. Here are two of the pieces >
rigting van vis I
vis-kop-en-vin wys die rigting aan
waar ons heen moet gaan:
na die water-katedrale
waar ongehoorde liedere
deur wier en alg breek
en die water-hamonieё
my lyf be-vin
en my ge-aard-heid
distilleer tot
hierdie nuwe
direction of fish I
head and fin of fish show the direction
in which we must go:
to the water cathedrals
where unheard songs
break through moss and kelp
and the harmonies of water
re-fin my body
and distil
my being into
this new
fish existence
rigting van vis II
soos katedrale-klanke
klink die see deur die holtes
van die skeletale oorblyfsel van
roep sy oogholtes hunkerend
na die nat glimmer vinne
wat eens die soet smaak van die getye
geproe het
direction of fish II
the sea sounds like cathedral timbres
through the cavities
of the skeletal remnants of
the hollow of his eyes calls longingly
to the wet glimmer fins
that once tasted the sweetness
of the speed of tides
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