Monday, 24 June 2019


ek moet blindelings oor die papier dans 
met oë toe en hart oop
laat die sillabes musiek in my ore oopbreek

die intervalle klim my woorde soos trappe
die verlangende mineur sesde en 
die hygende chromatika van die mineur tweede

oor die toontrappe gly ek 
met dronke voete op en af
en vind my sinne hulle eie melodie

ek weier dat enige argitketonika 
met reëlmaat of simmetrie
die rym in my kop pons!

kyk net hoe my hande en 
heupe en hare 
en vel so vrypostig oor die papier dans

die metafore peul bont uit die oksels van my arms
geen enkele woord sal in my taal 
ongesê gelaat word nie!

Thursday, 20 June 2019


dit is die vorm van my tong
 - ‘n kokon met krioelende blink drade 
dig geweef 

binne-in woel en spartel 
die papie in
ongeduldige afwagting op 
die oopbreek 
na die
nuwe lig

Sunday, 16 June 2019

in the hunt the thrilled skin clings forever onto the slumbering paradise

in the hunt the thrilled skin clings
forever onto
the slumbering paradise

the doves are looking for shelter
the rustling of the silence

all that grows
are mushrooms from
the cooing mouths

from the white-blue-sky the soldiers hear
sounds that taste like cold vacuums
in porcelain cups

the other nameless winglings
sound like castanets
their staccato interjections into the sky

my mouth drools as I watch the dancing spots
trembling over my trembling eyeballs
may no shred of regret come lie on my temples

the yellow scarf lies
like a spasm
over the incredible sigh

her wandering breasts shine like a candelabra in the night
and the prettiness of her feet
lies trojanically between his sheets

the fly constantly hits his wings against the glass
neatly leaves his insect-alarm in the sky
no milk bottle will silence this anxiety

the grumbling stomach stands in front of the open fridge
like an off-legged broom he swerves drunkenly in
the sight of the frozen bugs

i feel obliged to flush the world's empty chatter
down the drain and throw all the matereality
into the dustbin

the arrogant pen has a manic way
to want to be greater than the moment
how hideous

again-the-hadeda on the thatched roof
boldly lulls the hordes of trembling little cinderellas
to sleep

oh, pardon me, the eyes in my head are only
that is brilliant in the hiding of my non compos mentis

Tuesday, 4 June 2019

Die digter is nie dood nie

photographer: Dani Debellis

Die digter is nie dood nie

geskoei op Die kind van Ingrid Jonker

Die digter is nie dood nie
die digter lig haar tong teen haar demone
wat Waansin skreeu     skreeu die stemme
van sin en behoort
in die konsternasie van die verlore siele

Die digter lig haar tong teen haar gene
in die stryd teen die sinneloosheid
wat Waansin skreeu     skreeu die stemme
van die voorvaders en spoke
in die DNA van ons opstandige woede

Die digter is nie dood nie
nòg in die bad nòg op die pad
nòg met die lem nòg met die gas
nòg op die brug oor die donker rivier
waar haar begeerte lê met salwende water in die longe

Die digter is die skim in die krygsliedere
singend met tonge kele en vuiste
die digter breek deur alle sinne en onsinne
die digter tuur deur donker poele en in die smart
van die aarde
die digter wat net wou skryf in die stilte van haar kop is orals
die digter wat vrou geword het sing deur alle tale
die digter wat mens geword het vlieg deur alle harte

Sonder ‘n woord

Sunday, 2 June 2019

this is not going to be a rousing poem

this is not going to be a rousing poem
not even a slightly inspirational one
a poem that will not go deep
it will just hover over the surface
a poem that will not tug at your heartstrings
it will be cutting in its blandness
simply one great disappointment
a verse that will not pretend to be something that it isn’t
simply a poem that refuses to charm with metaphoric spells
lines as straightforward as lines should be
no seducing with sultry syllables
or enchanting with fanciful metrics
a poem that simply sits flat on the page
that does not excite the tongue
and definitely does not make you think twice

i know you are still reading to be sure 
that no arousal is happening and that i am not pulling your leg
 - or any other body part -
i was serious when i said that 
this is not going to be a rousing poem
no need to look further for 
rhyme or reason
climax or crux
witticism or twist in the tail
nothing of the sort to be found here
just a dead-end of a poem

Saturday, 1 June 2019

when did i join the circus, ma’ma?

we live in such stirring and creative times
how can i write one-dimensional poems?
first let us bring in a rousing symphony orchestra and
winds sweeping around the highest peaks of
the Great Mountains as a soundtrack
then start writing verses imbued with the breath of grandiose statements
laced with the declamatorics of state of the nation addresses
it can’t be called a poem if there is no drum and bass
beating through its buttocks
it requires william kentridge charcoal drawings
a company of opera singers
for their resounding vocal cords are just the thing
and seeing that we are going for drama
have the stanzas adorned with
spectacular costumes and headdresses
and of all things DO NOT read it sitting down
incantate it with the voice of an inspirational speaker
a mix of voices of a president, a toast (coetzer) master, a rapper,
‘n kaapsevlakte ou and a shakespeare actress
no time for looking down on any papers
that is just distracting frippery
each word needs to be memorised into your skin
(but not to worry: in case of lapse, a prompter will mouth your words)
AND remember: lots of arm movement
you can only go on if you have groupies in
the form of likers, tweeters,
instagrammers, hashtaggers and share-holders
DO NOT forget your audience from afar
always keen to be cyber-rubbing-shoulders with you
AND a have-to-have is your entourage of photographers and videographers
that record your every syllable and frown
(note to editor: zooming in with slow motion on that sweat droplet
on the upper lip and bring in stills in vintage colours, otherwise no go)
and stating the obvious, we will hire that very bearded dude
who adjusts the height of your mic
keeps your drink and nerves stirred but not shaken
and gives you a hirsute kiss just before you utter your first syllable
when the cue is given turn up the volume of
that symphony orchestra and whirling winds around
the high peaks of your metaphors
throw in a singing line and dance step or two
you will be the coolest thing out
who wants the fine sensibilities of quiet metaphors
if you can join the 21st century circus?!

...and all this time you thought you were doing poetry?!