Friday, 9 October 2015

van die grond leer sy

van die grond leer sy die ritme van wind en water 
grond waaruit vrou klim om haar vel ten volle te voel 
grond sing haar lyf uit elke hoek en porie 
tril die vrugbaarheid van grond regdeur haar voetsole 
grond is bly om te voel hoe diep vrou haar spoor trap
sy druk haar lippe en bors ferm teen die aarde 

voel die vibrasie van minerale krag 
sy weet dit is 'n mite dat sy getrek is van die rib van man 
haar binnenste sê vir haar dat sy gegiet is vanuit die rugstring van berg  

from the soil she learns the rhythm of wind and water 
soil from which woman climbs to feel her skin fully 
soil sings from every corner of her body 
trembles the fertility of soil straight through the soles of her feet 
soil is happy to feel woman treading her spoor deeply 
she presses her lips and chest firmly to the earth 
feel the vibration of mineral strength 
she knows it is a myth that she was pulled from the rib of man 
her gut tells her that she was forged from the spine of mountain 

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